PHILOSOPHY: champion of beautiful package design

A couple blog posts ago I talked about the importance of minimalist and beautiful packaging design. This is a topic that I'm really passionate about, so we're going to touch on it again, and I doubt that this is the last time you'll see me talk about it! It really is just the perfect intersection of my interests.

Today, however, we're going to approach the topic of beautiful package design from a slightly different angle. Instead of talking about why it's important, I'm going to highlight an example of one of my favorite brand's packaging: Philosophy!

If you're not familiar Philosophy is a personal care brand that caters primarily to women. Their products include fragrances, skin care, lotions, and bath & shower products. Philosophy was one of the first brands to focus on the names of their products and use the product name to push the soft sell. 

For example, a Philosophy product that I own is the Fresh Cream Warm Cashmere perfume. The name instantly causes me to associate the scent (which is delicious) with the warm and cozy feeling of being wrapped in a soft sweater on a chilly day. Although I bought the product because of the scent, I also was sold on the brand image and ideas that Philosophy associated with the product. Another huge factor in my decision to purchase was the packaging. 

As you can see, Philosophy's packaging is simple and elegant. While I was debating whether or not to purchase the Warm Cashmere perfume, one of the product benefits that convinced me to buy was the fact that the bottle would look pretty sitting on my counter. This may seem silly, but I think it plays a bigger role for many consumers than one would initially think, especially for a daily use item like perfume.

Although I could store the perfume in a cabinet or tucked away on a shelf if I wasn't a fan of the packaging, it would be inconvenient and slow down my routine of getting ready every morning. Since the product is packaged so beautifully, I don't have to worry about choosing either a nice looking counter or a quick morning routine. 

Finally, the attractive packaging also gave me another thing to look forward to when my order arrived. I was genuinely excited when I got the delivery notice and picked up my package, because I knew that when I opened it, there was going to be a beautiful bottle of perfume waiting for me.

In short, although it is sometimes overlooked, beautiful package design is an important part of creating value for the consumer because it adds multiple benefits to the product from display to enhancing the purchasing experience. Philosophy is a brand that I think does an amazing job with their package design, and I'd love to see more companies follow their lead with simple but pleasing packaging.


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